We empower clients' staff to deal with a wide-range of issues
Increasingly we are confronted by difficult, violent or dangerous situations, involving clients and colleagues or offenders in this ever-changing environment.

McCormack Training was established in 1996 by Senior Trainer Andy McCormack, who has a Military and Civilian/Police Service background, a Certificate in Education and various other nationally recognised training qualifications.

He is also qualified in Suzy Lamplugh Trust training techniques, a graduate member of the ICM (Institute of Conflict Management) and an NHS Trust training provider.

He has developed courses that meet the current standards set by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), National Utility Companies in Personal Safety Awareness Training, Positive Management of Violence and Aggression Courses meeting the guidelines set by Restrictive Reduction (RRN) Training standards, and internationally developed Officer Safety Training programmes for the Dublin Airport Authority and the Republic of Ireland Police Force (An Garda Síochána).

Our services
We help organisations reach their full potential through the power of their people

Positive Management

Employee Engagement

Employee Life Cycle

Training & Development

A modern approach to your specific needs

Looking for a way to enhance your team’s leadership skills

Let’s Talk