Examinations Policy/Procedure 01.05.2024
In line with the requirements of our Awarding body there are strict procedures to be followed in order to maintain the integrity of the examination process.
Examination papers will be downloaded 2 days prior to the exam by the examinations controller.
Sufficient copies should be printed for both the exam paper and answer sheets.
File to be deleted from the system and papers to be secured, via combination lock, in the examinations briefcase by the examinations controller.
The briefcase containing the papers should be secured in the office until signed out by the person taking the papers to the examination room. The back-up envelope (must be signed and sealed) must be returned unopened with the documentation.
The invigilators will ‘text’ the examinations controller 10 minutes prior to the start time to obtain the combination code. Once the case is open the text message must be deleted from the phone. In the event that the combination code is not received the invigilator will open the sealed envelope and open the case using the code.
The invigilator will complete the Test Room Log sheet to ensure that the standards are met. These forms should be placed in the briefcase for return with the completed test papers.
On completion of the test the invigilator will return the completed documents to the briefcase and seal to ensure that the papers are secured until arrival back at the office.
The examinations controller will open the briefcase and hand the documents over to be scanned and processed. The completed test papers will be shredded and correct documentation completed & signed.
Health and safety checks
• Wires
• Posters on walls /other distractions
• Chairs and tables (distance of 1.25mtrs apart)
• Correct lighting
• Noise
• Clock
Health and safety briefing
• Fire alarms
Exam Format
• Toilets
• Heating/Light/Noise
• Switch off all mobile phones
• Remove all items off the desk
• No talking throughout the exam
• If you require my attention place your hand in the air and I will come to you
1. I cannot answer any questions about the exam
2. I cannot give a different meaning to a word in the question
Exam Paper
• Correct procedures on filling out response sheet
• Check correct identification
• Demonstrate on flip chart / wipe board how to fill in response sheet
• Demonstrate how to correct an error or change your answer
• Ask any questions for confirmation
• Timings of exam
• Procedures when you finish
Exam timings: Write timings on clean Flip chart paper
1. Start/ 30minutes/ 45 minutes last 5 and Finish
Turn over exam paper
• Write exam number on top of correct response sheet
You may start your time is:
A McCormack
McCormack Training Ltd.