Risk Assessments – Training Venues 01.05.2024
It is the policy of McCormack Training Ltd to conduct a comprehensive Risk Assessment on the venue prior to any training being completed for every course. This must be signed and dated by the Trainer.
In the case of Physical Interventions Training, the room must be able to accommodate a maximum of 12 delegates – (1Tutor) with 4sqm per person this equates to a room size of 48sqm for the training to be conducted in a safe environment. In addition to the risk assessment form a Floor Plan must be completed at the intial assessment before any training commences, with measurements included.
It is the policy of McCormack Training Ltd, so far as reasonably practicable, to ensure that:
1. The venue is suitable for the type of training being undertaken.
2. There are sufficient First Aiders present with the appropriate kit to be able to provide immediate first aid in the event of injury.
3. Information, instruction, training and supervision are provided, as necessary, to minimise the risk of potential injuries throughout the duration of the course
Associates are reminded of the legal requirement to comply with the Policy, Arrangements and Procedures.
In particular, they are required:
1. To take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and those who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
2. To co-operate with McCormack Training Ltd to ensure that they comply with any duty or requirement for health and safety, imposed upon McCormack Training Ltd or their clients by law, and contained in this Statement and the Policy, Arrangements and Procedures Manual.
3. Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
A McCormack
McCormack Training Ltd.